4 Mar 2025
Thursday 8 February 2018 - 16:00
Story Code : 293122

Energy coin: Economist reveals prospects of Iran creating new cryptocurrency

Sputnik - Iran is poised to make an entrance into the global digital financial market by introducing its own cryptocurrency backed by the countrys vast reserves of oil and natural gas.

Sam Barden, head ofan international commodity trading and advisory company SBI Markets, postulated that Iran may be seeking tocreate its very own national cryptocurrency the so called energy coin.

The Iranian Ministry ofInformation and Communications Technology has also announced that the country intends tocreate its own cryptocurrency infrastructure asit would be inTehrans interest.

Hoshyar Rostami, an independent Iranian economist and head ofthe finance department atthe Canadian University ofEconomic Research Finapath, inIran, toldSputnik Iranhowever that Tehran is unlikely tolaunch a digital currency inthe nearfuture asthere is a number ofissues that need tobe dealt withfirst.
"Just likewith physical currency like, forexample, the US dollar, there are certain complications involved withs cryptocurrency aswell. When you purchase some kind ofgoods using US dollars, the money itself does not move anywhere instead, it is SWIFT-codes and SWIFT-messages that move and cause the money tobe transferred fromone account toanother. Also, the sender and the received play an important part inthis process. For example, the US dollar is not Iranian currency, so Iran takes part ina US dollar transaction it ends upbeing subjected torestrictions. And the same may happen when cryptocurrency is used; infact, things may even get worse," he said.

According toRostami, one ofthe biggest problems that need tobe resolved beforelaunching the energy coin is the Iranian currencys non-involvement intothe global financial system.
"Our chief problem is not the creation ofthis digital cryptocurrency itself. First we need tobring our national currency upto the global standards and toensure that it is recognized bythe international currency system," Rostami explained, adding that creating a new cryptocurrency beforeaccomplishing this task would only create more problems forIran.

He also insisted that bycreating the cryptocurrency, even if it is backed byoil and natural gas, Iran wouldnt be able toevade the sanctions imposed againstit.
"Even if we try and use new technological innovations totry and bypass sanctions or toremove the existing restrictions altogether, atthis time it would be simply impossible," Rostami concluded.

Earlier Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro signaled his intent tocreate a new national cryptocurrency called the petro, witheach ofits units backed bya barrel ofcrude produced inthe country.

The first release of100 million units ofVenezuela's new digital currency is expected totake place onFebruary 20 March 19 and some 38.4 million Petros are expected tobe sold duringthe preliminary phase ofthe trading session, according tomedia reports.

The views expressed byHoshyar Rostami are solely those ofthe speaker and do not necessarily reflect the official position ofSputnik.

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