6 Jun 2024
Wednesday 9 August 2017 - 12:39
Story Code : 271646

Rouhanis inauguration heralds stronger international ties

Financial Tribune - Lawmakers believe the huge participation of foreign dignitaries in President Hassan Rouhani's swearing-in ceremony on Saturday demonstrated the international community's interest in developing cooperation with the Islamic Republic, despite anti-Iran policies orchestrated by hostile countries, especially the US.

In a recent talk with ICANA, Asghar Salimi said the level of participation was an indication that many countries now are keen on forging collaboration with Iran.

Pointing to the fact that Iran enjoys high security in a turbulent region and promises ample opportunities for investment, the MP said, "[Participating] countries now see their benefits in interacting with Iran."

Rouhani, who won reelection in a landslide in May by securing 57% of the vote, was sworn in for a second term on Saturday in the presence of dignitaries from over 100 countries and international organizations, including eight presidents, 19 parliament speakers, nine vice presidents and deputy prime ministers, seven deputy parliament speakers, 11 foreign ministers and 35 special envoys from different countries, IRNA reported.

Top western officials present at Rouhani's inauguration included European Union foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, State Secretary at the German Foreign Ministry Michael Roth, British Minister of State for the Middle East and North Africa Alistair Burt and President of Spanish Senate Pio Garcia-Escudero.

"We gave the message [through the ceremony] that we are ready to have wide-ranging relations with all countries, as the Leader had outlined," Salimi said.

On Thursday, Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei formally endorsed Rouhani as president for the second term and called for "extensive interactions with the world as well as broad relations with nations and governments."

US Urged to Modify Policy

Lawmaker Jalal Mirzaei said the high-profile ceremony also demonstrates that the anti-Iran policies adopted by extra-regional and regional adversaries have failed.

"The ceremony underscores the fact that not only is Iran not isolated, but it has also been able to expand relations with other countries," he said, sending a signal to the US administration to change its failed policy regarding Iran.

After assuming office, US President Donald Trump has tried to isolate Iran, a policy that especially came to the fore when he paid a visit to Saudi Arabia for the so-called Islamic American Summit in May, attended by 55 Arab and Muslim countries, where he called for Iran to be isolated.

"All nations of conscience must work together to isolate Iran," Trump said at the time.

Lawmaker Morteza Saffari Natanzi said the high-powered delegations that attended Rouhani's oath-taking ceremony shows the strong support for Iran's nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, among world leaders.

"Under the current circumstances where Trump is trying to undermine JCPOA, the presence of so many diplomatic delegations indicates that they lined up in support of the deal," he said.
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