4 Mar 2025
Saturday 8 July 2017 - 09:55
Story Code : 267406

New Syria ceasefire deal may be US attempt to save rebels from defeat

Sputnik - A newly announced deal on a ceasefire in southwestern Syria may be an attempt by the United States to save the Syrian rebels from defeat, according to Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Executive Director Daniel McAdams.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) A newly announced deal ona ceasefire insouthwestern Syria may be an attempt bythe United States tosave the Syrian rebels fromdefeat, Ron Paul Institute forPeace and Prosperity Executive Director Daniel McAdams told Sputnik.

"On the Syria ceasefire agreement, we need tosee the fine print. But I am skeptical that yet another US ceasefire proposal forSyria will result inthe reduction ofviolence inthat six year war," McAdams said onFriday. "It seems whenever the US side experiences significant losses onthe battlefield, Washington comes forward witha ceasefire proposal ina desperate attempt tosave its rebels fromdefeat."

Earlier onFriday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, aftertalks betweenPresidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin that the United States, Russia and Jordan agreed onceasefire insouthwestern Syria starting atnoon onJuly 9.

McAdams suggested that the best agreement betweenPutin and Trump onSyria would be "a negotiated withdrawal ofUS forces fromthe country, where they illegally occupy Syrian territory."

The United States and Russia have backed opposing sides inSyria's six-year-conflict, withMoscow supporting the forces ofSyrian President Bashar Assad and Washington backing rebel groups seeking his ouster.

Russia, Iran and Turkey are guarantors ofthe Syrian ceasefire regime, having signed a memorandum onthe establishment offour safe zones inSyria that came intoforce onMay 6.
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