31 Jan 2025
MNA A former US army psychological operation officer and counter-terrorism analyst said the attacks in Tehran, the first that ISIL had claimed responsibility for in the Shia Islamic republic, most likely were executed as part of a larger strategic military plan of Saudi Arabia and Israel against Iran.

Scott Bennett has noted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has declared diplomatic war against Qatar and is waging a psychological warfare campaign against them in an effort to turn Qatar against Iran and Yemen.

He underlined that the reason for the joint operation of some states against Qatar is meant to serve as an ethnic cleansing against the Shia in Qatar, and hide this agenda by claiming Qatar is funding ISIL/Al Qaeda.

He also condemned the cutting of ties with Qatar as a pre-emptive strike that would distract Iran from the terrorist attack that would be launched days later.

"This attack of course was meant to try and provoke Iran into a counter-attack against Saudi Arabia, in order to justify the entry of the US into a defense of Saudi Arabia," Bennett said in an exclusive interview with Mehr News Agency:

How do you evaluate Saudi Arabia's rift with Qatar in behind scenes?

With the recent terrorist attacks upon Iran by Wahhabi inspired fanatics (most likely from Saudi Arabia, Israel, and trained by the US CIA and Britains MI6), the cutting of ties with Qatar by Saudi Arabia suddenly takes on a whole new meaning. This cutting of ties with Qatar was meant as a pre-emptive strike that would distract Iran from the terrorist attack that would be launched days later.This attack of course was meant to try and provoke Iran into a counter-attack against Saudi Arabia, in order to justify the entry of the US into a defense of Saudi Arabia.

Clearly, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has declared diplomatic war against Qatar and is waging a psychological warfare campaign against them in an effort to turn Qatar against Iran and Yemen. Saudi Arabia, and specifically the ruling Wahhabi Government regime, has sought to hide both its leadership role and its anti-Shia religious purpose in this act by pressuring other countries--Egypt, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and others--to also cut diplomatic ties.This act was not only known, but perhaps even planned and orchestrated, by the Saudi Intelligence Services, the American Central Intelligence Agency and State Department, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the British MI6, and the Israeli Mossad.Its essential to note that this act of diplomatic war was not initiated by the people of Saudi Arabia, nor was it done as an act of protest against Qatars financing of Wahhabi terrorists, mercenaries, Al Qaeda and ISIL, since the Saudi Arabian royal family has been the largest financier of Wahhabi Sunni Islamic terrorism around the world. This cutting of ties was done as a pre-emptive attack upon Qatar, and was to serve as a warning that if Qatar did not fully join the Saudi Arabian agenda of attacking all Shia communities, then they would suffer the same fate as Syria and Libya.

What did Saudi Arabia seek with the move against Doha?

The Saudi Arabian move against Doha was to infect the minds of the people of Qatar that if they did not support the agenda of Saudi Arabia, then Qatar as a nation would cease to exist. One of the reasons for this of course was to eventually absorb Qatar into Saudi Arabia, and thereby steal the resources, natural gas, wealth, and strategic position of Qatar, and use it in the long term Saudi Arabian-Israeli agenda of destroying Iran by breaking it up and crippling its ability to function as a nation.

Whether due to an act of commission or omission, the US President Donald Trump is responsible for the Saudi declaration of diplomatic war against Qatar, because the US President communicated to the the Saudi Government the following messages: 1) The US government does not object to the Saudi Arabian financing of terrorism, and is not going to file any United Nations diplomatic or military or economic punishment against Saudi Arabia; 2) The US is choosing the Saudi Arabian Wahhabi side to ally with, and is thereby siding with the Saudi Arabians and Israelis against the Iran-Russian alliance; 3) The US is supportive of a Saudi Arabian led Wahhabi Arab NATO type army, that will then be used against Syria and Iran and Russia in a long term Wahhabi mercenary operation; 4) The US is giving a green light to igniting a war between Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, and other nations, and will then enter this war to use it as a pre-text for direct confrontation with Iran.

As Middle East expert Catherine Shakdam reported to RT, the timing of the attacks upon Iran, shortly after a presidential election in Iran, may indicate that the perpetrators intended to cast doubt on the decision of the Iranian people to give President Hassan Rouhani a second term.

Iran has just conducted quite successfully its presidential election. Everything went according to plan, it was peaceful, it was progressive, she said.

Its also important to note that the attacks in Tehran were the first that ISIL had claimed responsibility for in the Shia Islamic republic, and most likely were executed as part of a larger strategic military plan of Saudi Arabia and Israel against Iran.

What would be the financial and economic consequences of cutting ties to Qatar?

The US sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia, and promise of military training, is meant to more tightly bind the US to the Saudi regime, and thereby guarantee a US commitment to defend Saudi Arabia against any attack or counterattack that might occur. The strategy of Saudi Arabia is to shock and strangle Qatar into submission to the Saudi political-military-religious agenda of destroying the Shia and all non-Wahhabist peoples and nations. They are also trying to pressure Qatar into completely submitting to the Saudi military plan in Syria, Yemen, and Iran. If Qatar refuses, they will stop all shipping, travel, planes, financial operations, and social movement in and out and around the Qatar peninsula.

What are likely reactions of Qatar towards Saudi move? Will the regional stability and security be affected by the incident?

Qatar has a choice: either submit to the Saudi governments agenda, or reject the Saudi agenda and throw off the political-economic-military stranglehold of Saudi Arabia by enlisting the help of Russia, Iran, China, and other nations. If Qatar submits, it will be used as a pawn against Iran, and destroyed in a counter-attack.If Qatar rejects the Saudi agenda and throws off the chains of Saudi domination, then it must become the Switzerland of the Middle East, and demand protection by other outside nationsmost likely China, Russia, Iran, Syria, and other anti-Wahhabi Arab nations.The simple fact is that Saudi Arabia is close to collapse, and the people of Saudi Arabia are desperate for a revolution, and are looking for leadership to throw off the burden of the House of Saud and its corrupt criminal enslavement of Arabia, and the false claim of the Wahhabi control of Mecca and Medina and Islam.Saudi Arabia is now appearing to be the puppet of the Israeli-American regime, and is foolishly and blindly rushing towards war with Iran and Russia and Syria, which will only result in their own collapse and destruction as a nation. Time will tell when it happens, but the cutting of ties with Qatar is certainly the first step to the end of Saudi Arabia as a nationwhich may be Gods intention all along.

More than half a dozen Arab nations have cut ties with Qatar. which countries are beneficiaries of the move?

Israel will side with their cousins in Saudi Arabia, and the US will side against Qatar, as well as Somalia, Sudan, and the United States.The reason for this joint operation against Qatar is meant to serve as an ethnic cleansing against the Shia in Qatar, and hide this agenda by claiming Qatar is funding ISIL/Al Qaeda. The irony, and the lie, is that Saudi Arabia has been encouraging Qatar to fund terrorism, and if Qatar did not, then it would be punished by the Saudi government. So what we are seeing is the Saudi government punishing Qatar for its non-compliance and its objection to the Saudi genocide in Yemen.

How do you evaluate the international reactions to the conflict?

The international communitys reaction is sickeningly silent and ignorant.The world is ignorant of the fact that Saudi Arabia has always pressured and managed Qatars financing of terrorism, and that this action of cutting off of diplomatic ties is a pre-emptive act of diplomatic war against both Qatar and Iran, as well as an attempt to breath new life into the Saudi led invasion of Syria.However what most likely will happen is that instead of breathing new life into Saudi Arabia, it will be the last death gasp of the House of Saud, and a revolution soon will occur that throws out of powerthe Saudi Royal familyand thereby end the Wahhabi wars of terrorism in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

The world should perform a forensic analysis of the Qatari role in Saudi Arabian foreign policy, and in exchange for protection, encourage the people and government of Qatar to declare itself a neutral country and serve as a liaison for Iran to the rest of the Arab world.That might serve to change the balance of power in the Middle Eastwhich is the most important change needed to achieve a lasting peace.

Dr. Scott Bennett, formerly of the USArmy 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, attempted to blow the whistle by contacting the commercially-controlled mediaand writing to US politicians after being sacked from his job as terrorist finance investigator after he proved too zealous at the job. He also tried to expose Union Bank of Switzerland for financing terrorism (Al Qaeda, Benghazi, ISIL) through the US and Allies, Saudi, Qatar, Turkey, Israel back in 2012; then thrown in prison for it. Bennett had a background in advertising, before being fast tracked into the US military PSYOPS division, receiving a Direct Commission as an Officer, and held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance.

Interview by Lachin Rezaian

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