4 Mar 2025
Sputnik News- Washington is ignoring Saudi Arabia's major role in Sunni terrorism, California State University Professor Emeritus of Political Science Beau Grosscup told Sputnik. His opinion was echoed by Professor of neuroscience and political commentator John Walsh.

US President Donald Trump proved onhis visit toSaudi Arabia that he was prepared toturn a blind eye toRiyadhs support forIslamists inreturn forlucrative oil deals, analysts told Sputnik.
"The arms deal signals that another US administration is willing toignore the Saudis major role inSunni terrorism inreturn forallowing the US tobuy Saudi oil inUS dollars," California State University Professor Emeritus ofPolitical Science Beau Grosscup said.

The Saudis had given strong support and protection toDaesh terrorist group which killed nearly 3,000 people inits destruction ofthe World Trade Center and attack onthe Pentagon onSeptember 11, 2001, Grosscup recalled.

"After Trumps visit, Saudi Arabia would continue its large investment inthe US economy and remain a major purchaser ofUS arms purportedly todefend itself against 'Iranian aggression,'" Grosscup pointed out.
"The US presidents speech and comments inRiyadh also signaled "that the Trump administration remains committed tosupporting the Saudis effort defeat Yemens Iran-backed Shiite revolution byterror bombing Yemen civilians intostarvation," he stated.

In Riyadh, Trump echoed the policy offormer President George W. Bush that "you are either withus or the terrorists," Grosscup observed.
"Like presidents Bush and [President Barack] Obama beforehim, Trump drew the world ofterrorism insimplistic, bi-polar, and ashe said, battle betweengood and evil, imagery. The problem is, while politically useful athome, this imagery has no relationship toreality," Grosscup said.

Trump ignored the fact that asWahhabi Sunnis, his Saudi hosts were the Muslim extremists he urged unity against, Grosscup noted.

Professor ofneuroscience and political commentator John Walsh told Sputnik that Trumps demonization ofIran duringhis Riyadh visit stood outas the main stumbling block preventing his goal ofrestoring good relations withRussia,
"Iran is the stumbling block toPresident Trump's genuine desire toget alongwith Russia, obviously genuine sincehe is willing topay such a high political price todo so. And New Detente withRussia is the most important thing Trump has promised," he noted.

However, Trump cannot expect Russia toturn onIran, Walsh observed.

"So if that is his demand, then that is a deal breaker. [Secretary ofState Rex] Tillerson, it seems, would oppose such a deal breaker," he said.

However, Walsh recalled that inTrumps speech tothe American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) duringthe 2016 election campaign he promised not tonullify the P5+1 nuclear agreement withIran butto enforce it.

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