28 Mar 2025
Sunday 1 January 2017 - 11:47
Story Code : 245178

Gate crashers: Iran warns off US fighters, spy drones during drill

Sputnik- On December 28, Iran said that its air defenses had warned off several US fighter planes and drones during an ongoing military drill. In an interview with Sputnik Persian, prominent Iranian political analyst Sabbah Zanganeh described the US behavior as a provocation.

"In the pastthree days ofmilitary drills, air defense has given warnings to12 aircraft oftrans-regional countries tostay away fromthe country's airspace," General Abbas Farajpour told the semi-official Tasnim news agency. The agency said the aircraft included US fighter jets and UAVs. What are the Americans doing inthis region? Why are they stoking uptensions and conflicts here bymeddling inthe internal affairs ofthe countries located inthis sensitive part ofthe world? I wonder what they are doing nearthe Iranian border, Sabbah Zanganeh told Sputnik Persian.

He added that just asthe independent Iranian state was holding naval and air defense drills onits territory, the US suddenly waded intrying tocomplicate things and gather information.

Or maybe they are trying toset the stage forriots and conflicts? These latest attempts bythe US toviolate our air space are highly disturbing, they are a threat topeace and stability inthe region and are seen byus asa provocation, he emphasized. Not very long ago the Iranians presented Russia withan exact replica ofa US RQ-170 spy drone they seized control ofin 2011 inthe north-east ofthe country using an electronic warfare system. The drone was then delivered toan Iranian military base inthe northeast ofthe country.

Following the incident the military released a video showing the UAV withno visible damage onit. It was one ofmany instances ofUS drones venturing close tothe Iranian borders, Emad Abshenass, a senior editor withthe newspaper Iran Press, told Sputnik Persian. The US and its allies are trying hard tosneak a peek atIranian weapons and defense technology. They are also trying toassess the degree ofour armed forces combat readiness and the countrys defense potential ingeneral. All these attempts have fallen flat though, he said. Emad Abshenass recalled numerous attempts byUS spy planes tobreak intoIrans airspace.

Once we even had tofire warning shots towarn offone oftheir spy drones. In another instance, we managed tointercept one ofthese drones and built an exact replica that proved tobe even better thanthe original. We presented one such replica toour Russian colleagues, Emad Abshenass noted. The Americans are desperate toget asmuch information aspossible aboutIrans combat readiness. There will be more such attempts coming upand we must be ready forthem, he added.

On Thursday, Irans Air Defense Forces wrapped upa large-scale military exercise acrosssouthern regions ofthe country withmissile drills totarget hostile drones.

The drill, codenamed Defenders ofVelayat Skies 7, included detection and interception ofthe hypothetical enemys unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) withhomegrown missile systems. Irans Air Defense holds routine military exercises throughoutthe year. The countrys integrated air defense network protects 3,700 sensitive sites acrossthe country, including nuclear facilities.
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