4 Mar 2025
Thursday 6 October 2016 - 13:20
Story Code : 234234

Tehran's air pollution problem to be solved in five years

Air pollution in Tehran kills three thousand people a year. An environmental monitoring expert told Sputnik about the nuances of this problem and explained what measures are being taken by the Tehran government to solve it.

Each year, three thousand Tehran citizens die because ofair pollution, with80% ofit coming fromcars. This issue was brought upfor discussion inthe Iranian Islamic Consultative Assembly insearch ofthe urgent measures todeal withTehran's air pollution.

Mohammad Rastegari, the deputy head ofIran's Environmental Protection Organization forMonitoring and Supervision, claimed inan interview toSputnik Persian that the environmental problem inthe Iranian capital will be solved infive years. "The problem ofair pollution is not new forTehran. The situation was similar 50 years ago, asevidenced bythe history ofmeteorological observations we have atour disposal," Rastegari told Sputnik.

The main reason forthe adverse climatic conditions inTehran is a topographical factor, the expert explained:

"Natural purification ofair inthe city is not happening. Winds overTehran are directed only one way, fromwest toeast. But the eastern part ofthe capital is limited tothe foothills ofthe Alborz Mountains, which act asa natural barrier. Thus, harmful substances subside inthe atmosphere directly abovethe city."

The first steps toaddress this issue were taken bythe Tehran Province government nearly 10 years ago inresponse tothe state ofthe laws tocombat air pollution. But the real action began tobe taken no earlier than2011, according toRastegari.

The most common harmful gas is carbon monoxide, which sits atdangerous levels for160-170 days a year. However, local experts managed totake its propagation undercontrol and reduce its content inTehran's air, he added. Hassan Rouhani's government has paid heightened attention tothe fight againstair pollution inTehran: "A year ago, a corresponding program consisting ofnine points was adopted. A set ofmeasures has been drawn upfor the maintenance ofcars ofvarious ages, aswell asfor construction and operation oflarge industrial enterprises inTehran.

In addition, information work withthe population is regularly carried out." At the same time, new fuel standards were introduced: "From now on, inTehran atleast allowed standard Euro-4. All new cars meet this fuel standard," Rastegari noted. In addition, around350,000 old cars were utilized, each ofwhich polluted the air atleast 30 times more thana new one.

The other major source ofpollution inTehran's air is the local power station. Until recent time, it was operated onheating oil, butin view ofthe new measures, it was decided toswitch tonatural gas, the expert said.

Another priority forthe government is the expansion ofthe underground network, aswell asencouraging the population touse the more environmentally friendly metro rather thanthe overground transport that pollutes the atmosphere. "The result ofall these measures is obvious: two years ago, Tehran was covered withsmog for40% ofthe time ina year; this year this figure decreased to32%," Mohammad Rastegari told Sputnik. Nevertheless, the environmental monitoring expert admitted that a lot ofwork is still needed tobe done toestablish suitable conditions forlife inthe city.

"Therefore, the main task ofour department is tocontinue toimplement the campaign againstair pollution. It is clear that some climatic features cannot be changed, butwe are required todo everything what is possible," he added.

Developing their own program tocombat air pollution, Tehran's experts closely studied and implemented the most effective experience oftheir foreign colleagues. "We have enough internal resources tocombat air pollution. At the same time, foreign partners' assistance would allow toaccelerate the implementation ofour programs. But even withoutit, according toour estimates, we can completely get rid ofthe air pollution problem inTehran infive years," Rastegari concluded.

By Sputnik
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