23 Feb 2025
Thursday 18 August 2016 - 17:24
Story Code : 227547

Iranian-Russian cooperation in Syria is a 'Slap in the Face to US and NATO'

Iranian-Russian cooperation in Syria is a
Cooperation between Moscow and Tehran has been a "direct slap in the face" to the United States, the North Atlantic Alliance, as well as other countries and forces that are trying to destabilize Iran and Syria, political activist and journalist Navid Nasr told Radio Sputnik.

Earlier this month, Russia deployed its bombers tothe Hamadan airfield inIran toenhance its offensive capabilities againstDaesh, Al-Nusra Front and other radical groups wreaking havoc inSyria. The West was not happy withthe news.

For Nasr, the Western response toMoscow's agreement withTehran points tothe true goals that the US and its allies have pursued inthe region.
One ofthe primary aims inSyria fromthe moment the deadly conflict broke outin early 2011 has been "the systematic dismantling and dismembering ofwhat various people call the regional resistance block or the resistance axis," he said. "Syria is a huge part ofit, butIran is the linchpin that holds it all together."

Iran's direct and open involvement incounterterrorism efforts inSyria "really puts paid tothe whole narrative" that the US has been laying out, he added. This is one ofthe primary reasons why Washington has "never acknowledged the incredible hypocrisy involved" when it invited Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries that "have been instrumental infomenting chaos and destruction inSyria" tojoin its anti-Daesh coalition.

Washington's allies inthe Middle East have been part ofthe coalition because the US needs them tocarry outits larger foreign policy agenda forthe region. These include, according tothe analyst, the dismembering ofIran and Syria, aswell asseveral important non-state actors, forinstance Hezbollah.

Nasr mentioned that the deploymnt ofRussian aircraft toHamadan has a geographical and a strategic component. For instance, "it is much easier tostrike Aleppo or anywhere else inSyria" fromIran.

This decision, he added, also "solidifies not just an economic alliance between Russiaand Iran, buta very important military alliance forboth countries."
For Nasr, the fact that Iran an Russia have openly promoted their military and security cooperation is "a direct slap inthe face tothe US, NATO and all other countries that have insisted that there is no place forIran when it comes tothe resolution ofthe conflict inSyria, butsomehow incredibly there is a place forall those other countries, including Saudi Arabia."

The analyst maintained that all parties tothe Syrian conflict will eventually try tofind a political solution.

"The idea ofan unconditional surrender has been entrenched inthe minds ofa lot ofWestern countries sinceWorld War II, butit's incredibly rare. Nine times outof ten these things end ata negotiating table," he said.

However, certain conditions will need tobe met beforeserious negotiations are launched.

For instance, "the US and Western powers have torealize that 'Assad must go,' their favorite mantra forthe pastfive years, cannot be onthe table. They have not won that kind ofvictory onthe ground that enables them toforce that downanyone's throat," he said.

The fate ofthe Syrian president has been a major point ofcontention. The United States, aswell asits allies inEurope and the Middle East have long insisted that Assad must resign beforeany talks could begin. For its part, Russia has always maintained that no outsidepower has the right totell Syrians what their political system should be and who should lead the country.

Washington has largely toned downits any-Assad rhetoric inrecent months. This could be explained bythe facts onthe ground inSyria.

When Western powers and their allies come tothe negotiating table, they are going tocome "from a place ofsome degree ofhumility and some degree ofrecognition ofthe fact that they haven't achieved any ofthe goals that they set out," Nasr noted.

The analyst also added that the Syrian conflict that has claimed atleast 280,000 lives and displaced 11 million people will be brought toan end "based onthe timetable and desires ofSyria and its people, not those ofthe US State Department or the Foreign Office."

By Sputnik News

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