Shia Muslims have long complained of discrimination in a country where the official Wahhabi ideology condones violence against them.The Shias face abuse sanctioned by Wahhabi clerics, rarely get permits for places of worship and seldom get senior public sector jobs.
Sheikh Nimr, a critic of the Riyadh regime, was shot by Saudi police and arrested in 2012 in the Qatif region of Shia-dominated Eastern Province, which was the scene of peaceful anti-regime demonstrations at the time.
He was charged with allegedly instigating unrest and undermining the kingdoms security, making anti-government speeches and defending political prisoners. He had rejected all the charges as baseless.
n 2014, a Saudi court sentenced Sheikh Nimr to death, provoking widespread global condemnations. The sentence was upheld last March by the appeal court of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi authorities even refused to hand over the clerics body to his family and buried him at an undisclosed cemetery, according to the Sheikhs brother, Mohamed Nimr.
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In face of this discriminatory and sectarian-motivated crime, Muslims around the world joined hands and reacted to the Saudi regimes continuing heinous crimes against humanity and the violation of basic human rights, including Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Bahrain and India.
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Global outcry
Amnesty International criticized the process of Sheikh Nimrs trial and said it views the charges against the cleric as his right to free speech.
Former EU Foreign Policy Chief and NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana reiterated that Saudi execution of Shia cleric Nimr was a provocative action, in an interview with Radio Madrid, SER.
Lebanons Supreme Islamic Shia Council condemned Riyadhs execution of Sheikh Nimr as a grave mistake.
In addition, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, stated that the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by the Al Saud regime will not be taken lightly. He as wellblasted Riyadh for its way of promoting divisions across the Muslim world
In a similar move, Pakistans Muslims Unity Assembly decried the move as a challenge against millions of Muslims worldwide.
In Yemen, the Houthi Ansarullah movement also described Sheikh Nimr as a holy warrior and said the Saudi execution of the top Shia cleric is a flagrant violation of human rights.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi also condemned the move, stating that, Violating human rightsleads to repercussions on the security, stability and the social fabric of the peoples of the region.
In Iran,Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly condemned Saudi's execution of Shia's religions figure and saidWithout a doubt, the unlawfully shed blood of this innocent martyr will have a rapid effect and the divine vengeance will befall Saudi politicians,
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that those who are honestly interested in the fate of humanity, [and] the fate of human rights and justice, must follow up on such issues and should not remain indifferent to this situation.
Besides, human rights organizations have slammed Saudi Arabia for failing to address the rights situation in the kingdom. They say Saudi Arabia has persistently implemented repressive policies that stifle freedom of expression, association and assembly.
But gruesome executions have not stopped the Saudis Western allies from maintaining ties with the monarchy despite claims of support for human rights.
A tally by The Associated Press, which was based on reports by Amnesty International, showed Saudi Arabia had carried out 157 executions in 2015, most of which were beheading by sword.
While the Saudi kingdom has long been under fire at the international level for its grim human rights record, the funniest point is re-appointingSaudi Arabias permanent representative, Faisal bin Hassan Tradto the UNas the head of the five-member Consultative Group, a significant UNHRC panel.
It is worth noting that Saudi was voted onto the council in what some British politicians say was a secret vote-trading deal in 2013.