The replacement of the CCTVs will take place within the framework of a cooperation protocol between Iran and the IAEA and under complete supervision of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Asghar Zarean said.
Speaking to IRNA, Zarean said that the IAEA had installed CCTVs in technical parts of Iran?s nuclear sites and in Bushehr plant in line with Iran?s cooperation with the agency and the inspectors are scheduled to replace the current CCTVs with a new generation of them.
He noted the new CCTVs will operate in the same way as the current ones.
Zarean said the replacement will take place under supervision of technical experts of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and will only be done in Bushehr nuclear power plant.
As Bushehr plant is currently being overhauled and refueled, it is the best time for the replacement of CCTVs, the official said.
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