1 Apr 2025
Sunday 20 September 2020 - 14:41
Story Code : 383886

Zarif: US officials aware of their false anti-Iran claims in UNSC

IRNA Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said American officials are themselves aware that their claims with regard to restoring sanctions against Iran is false.

Speaking in an Iranian TV channel late on Saturday, Zarif said that since one month ago, the US has been working on extending the arms embargo against Iran.

He pointed to the false expression being used by some in Iran about "extension of arms embargoes" and said that Iran is under no embargoes; rather it faced restrictions for purchasing weapons, and in order to purchase, it should have obtained permission from the UN Security Council.

He also commented on the US unilateral efforts to reinstate US sanctions against Iran, adding that what is clear is that all members of the Security Council, except the US and one other country, have officially declared that they do not recognize the US action.

Reiterating that arms restrictions will come to an end by the end of October, Zarif said that the Americans introduced a resolution that was later reduced from 35 pages to a four-part resolution. Two countries opposed it and nine countries abstained, so no veto was needed. Thirteen countries have now written to the Security Council opposing the US action.

Noting that the names of the trigger mechanism and snapback used by the Americans have not been mentioned in Resolution 2231, Zarif said it is clear that Pompeo did not read Resolution 2231 and constantly cites Obama and Kerry and says that Obama and Kerry said this while he did not read JCPOA.

As many as 13 countries are opposed to the US approach, Zarif said, adding that snapback mechanism is not the one by which to return sanctions for the sake of a single country. All members of the Security Council, except the US, have either remained silent or said that the US has no place in this room to remain silent or make a comment.

Referring to the recent article written by a former aide to former US National Security Adviser John Bolton, Zarif said Bolton stated that dispute resolving mechanism is complicated and long-term.
US claims that it has the right to take advantage of it, Pompeo thinks that it is a simple mechanism while it is not true, he said.
He has not even read the text of the JCPOA, Zarif said adding Pompeo is waiting for JCPOA film.
American officials say that sanctions will be restored within hours but they know that it is a false claim, the Iranian foreign minister said.
He noted that the US has taken bullying approach and says they will sanction anyone who sells arms to Iran.
Such a threat indicates that they do not believe in restoration of sanctions.
When the UNSCR 1929 was ratified, the US had the same claim but not it has to use bullying, he added.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Zarif said Bolton seems to be the only one in Trump's administration who has read the UNSCR 2231.
"As Bolton had earlier said it is a long-term procedure and it will disturb UNSC members' veto right."

Foreign minister said that Iran has acted in accordance with JCPOA in reducing its nuclear commitments and in other issues and therefore has the upperhand.

Europe cannot claim that Irans reduction of its nuclear commitments is contrary to JCPOA, Zarif said, adding that what Iran has done was deterrent.

He referred to US failure to gain the vote of the UN Security Council against Iran for re-imposition of international sanctions, saying such a failure for the US was unprecedented where the US draft resolution received only two affirmative votes.

The US officials have initiated a procedure which had already been defeated, Zarif said.

Although they announced arms embargo will extend as of October, 2020, set countdown on the issue and presented anti-Iran resolution two and a half years ago, they were defeated, because the way they are on is not right, the foreign minister added.

Elsewhere, Zarif had said in August that the US is no longer a member of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action as it withdrew from the international agreement in May 2018, so it cannot invoke the snapback clause of the JCPOA according to the acknowledgment of some US officials and the international law.

The US officials always follow bullying policy; meanwhile, the international community should decide how to react to this policy, Zarif noted.

He went on to say that the Nord Stream - a project system of the offshore gas pipeline from Russia to Germany- will be faced with the same action the US will take.

Since foundation of the United Nations, the US has imposed 120 types of sanctions, the measure which proves that Washington uses sanctions as tools [for pressure], the foreign minister added.

However, the time for the US domination is over, he stressed.

Elaborating on Iran's military capabilities, Zarif said that the country is capable of meeting its strategic needs.

And the country can have deal with other states when the arms embargo is lifted in October, he underlined.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a statement on Saturday claimed that the United States has notified the President of the Security Council of Irans significant non-performance of its JCPOA commitments.

This notification triggered the 30-day process leading to the snapback of previously terminated UN sanctions, which became effective at 8pm Eastern Daylight Time on September 19, the statement reads.

This is while, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday said snapback mechanism is not the one by which to return sanctions for the sake of a single country.

All members of the Security Council, except the US, have either remained silent or said that the US has no place in this room to remain silent or make a comment, he added.

Meanwhile, Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht Ravanchi said in a letter to UN Secretary-General on Sunday that the US statements with regard to restoring sanctions against Iran are void of any legal effect in light of the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2018.
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