IRNA � Visiting Iran's Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar on Wednesday met with Iceland's President Gu�ni Th. J�hannesson.
Ebtekar has travelled to Iceland to attend in the Women Political Leaders Global Forum.
The Iranian vice-president said that the conference in Iceland's capital will be of special significance for promotion of the woman's status.
Referring to the Iranian women's 56% share of the country's higher education, the official said that the Iranian women have also had a very successful presence in sports, arts, social and civil participations, particularly in NGOs and charity foundations.
She said that the Iranian government is determined to increase the share of the women in the country's management.
The Icelandic president, for his part, said that his country pays special attention to empowerment of women.
J�hannesson said that holding the Women Political Leaders Global Forum in Iceland will pave the way for further dialogue between influential women in the global arena.