4 Mar 2025

Sputnik - Any move by US President Donald Trump to threaten economic sanctions on China for its trade with Iran could set off global chaos as support for such moves among US allies in Europe evaporates, former CIA officer Phil Giraldi told Sputnik.

"It will be interesting tosee what happens when Washington tries tosanction the Central Bank ofChina overbusiness dealings withIran utter chaos ontop ofthe already existing trade war!" Giraldi said onFriday.

The participants inthe Joint Comprehensive Plan ofAction (JCPOA), also known asthe Iran nuclear agreement, confirmed onFriday atthe meeting ofthe JCPOA Joint Commission inVienna the need tocontinue the full and effective implementation ofthe agreement.

The JCPOA participants including the United Kingdom, France and Germany affirmed their support forcontinued export ofIrans oil and gas condensate, petroleum products and petrochemicals and forfurther trade withand investment inIran, their joint statement said.

However, Giraldi cautioned that that British Prime Minister Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron could face major pressure fromWashington toscrap their ties toIran, and that they might surrender toit.
"I think this is admirable, butit will come upagainst the hard reality ofUS sanctions if Trump pushes the issue, which I think he will do based onrecent statements by [presidential adviser Rudy] Giuliani and [Secretary ofState Mike] Pompeo that nothing short ofregime change forIran is envisioned bythe White House," he said.

Faced withsuch pressure, May, Merkel and Macron might yield toWashingtons demands, Giraldi advised.
"The Western Europeans will likely crumble because the threat ofblocking them outof the US financial system would be too hard a pill toswallow if Trump really wants tomake them squirm," he said.

Giraldi pointed outhe was concerned that the current major European leader slacked the determination tostand upto trump fortheir nations best interests.

"Of course, the US economy will also suffer greatly, which will be a card they can play, butI do not see leaders ofthe caliber ofMerkel, May and Macron fighting very hard onbehalf ofwhat they know tobe right and correct relating toIran," he said.

Trump was listening toextremists onthe Iran issue and was unlikely tochange direction, Giraldi assessed.

"It comes downto Trump and his God-awful advisers wanting something much more thanthe Europeans do so they will give in. Russia and China will, ofcourse, do the right thing," he said.

Philip Giraldi is executive director ofthe Council forthe National Interest, a group that advocates more even-handed US government policies inthe Middle East.

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