5 Jun 2024
Sunday 12 February 2017 - 12:13
Story Code : 250716

Weekly report: Iranians mark anniversary of 1979 Islamic Revolution

February 12, The Iran Project Iran unveiling new military equipments, Belarusian Council of the Republic Speaker Mikhail Myasnikovich visit to Iran, Iran receiving last consignment of yellowcake from Russia, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez and Oil Minister Nelson Martinez trip to Iran, Iranians marking anniversary of victory of Islamic Revolution, Opening ceremony of Womens world championship and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lfven trip to the country and meeting with senior officials dominated the countrys media outlets in the past week (Feb 06 Feb 12).



Iran puts new military equipment on production line

Iran begins the mass production of state-of-the-art defense equipment newly designed and manufactured by experts at home to enhance the countrys capabilities in ground and aerial warfare.

May refuses Netanyahus call to impose new sanctions on Iran

Theresa May has resisted pressure to re-examine the viability of the international nuclear deal with Iran from her Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, who urged her to follow Donald Trumps example by imposing fresh sanctions.

Iran receives last consignment of yellowcake from Russia

Iran has received the final consignment of a 149-tonne shipment of uranium from Russia as part of its 2015 nuclear agreement with the P5+1 group of countries, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says.

Iranian defense minister denies media reports of Tehrans missile test

The Iranian Defense Minister has denied media reports of Tehrans missile test, Press TV reports.

Irans Araqchi holds Syria, nuclear talks in Moscow

Iran and Russia have underscored the importance of Tehrans nuclear agreement in maintaining the regional and international security.

Zarif names peace and friendship as Tehrans message for other nations

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Thursday that Tehrans message is peaceful and friendly life with those ready for mutual respect.

Bullies will regret threatening Iranian nation: President Rouhani

President Hassan Rouhani has hailed Iranians for turning out in millions on Friday to celebrate the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, saying the rallies are a response to recent threats by new US rulers against Iran.

EUs Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The European Unions foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trumps administration that the United States was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

NAM deplores US coercive measures against Iran

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has deplored the US governments recent unilateral and coercive measures against Iran, expressing the bodyssupport for the Islamic Republics national sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence.

Iranian Armed Forces equipped with most advanced technologies: Official

Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami highlighted the countrys military capabilities and said the Armed Forces have been equipped with state-of-the-art technologies in defense fields.

US, Europe instrumental in Mideast bitter events: Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has blamed the United States and many European countries for the bitter eventsin the Middle East.


Zarif: No problem with Iran-Belarus economic, banking cooperation

Foreign Minister, Mohammad-Javad Zarif, said on Monday that with removal of sanctions, there will be no problem at work for development of Iran-Belarus economic and banking cooperation.

Iran sees no barriers to oil talks with Riyadh

Iranian Oil Minister Zanganeh, while emphasizing that Iran assumed no barrier to talks with Saudi Arabia on oil market issues, said bilateral talks will continue within framework of national and mutual interests.

Turkish retailer eyes expansion into Iran

Turkish discount retailer BIM says it is exploring opportunities in Iran for possible opening of stores in a country which has largely remained closed off for years under sanctions.

Documents of sanctions losses to be submited to ECJ soon

A senior official at the Bank Tejarat of Iran said on Thursday that a lawsuit filed in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for losses Iran sustained during nuclear sanctions, was registered by the ECJ and that necessary documents will soon be handed over to the lawyers of the case.

President hopes ECO Summit would promote cooperation

President Hassan Rouhani said the 13th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in Pakistan will hopefully help forge closer ties between member states and strengthen cooperation in the regional organization.

Regional Affairs

Senior Advisor: S. Arabia colluding with Israel in massacre of Yemeni civilians

Senior Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian said Riyadh has been in secret collusion with Tel Aviv to kill the civilians in Yemen.

Tide of Syria conflict turning in favor of Damascus, Moscow: Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assadsays the tide of events in the Arab country is changingin favor of Damascus andMoscow, which are both engaged in a battle against foreign-backed terrorists.

February 15-16 confirmed as date of Astana Syrian talks new round Zakharova

The next round of Astana talks on Syria settlement will take place on February 15-16, Russian Foreign Ministrys spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

Shamkhani: Russian planes flight over Iranian airspace likely

Secretary of Supreme National Security Council has not ruled out possibility that Russian fighter jets could use Iranian airspace to hit targets in Syrian territories against extremists.

Rockets hit at Baghdads Green Zone following deadly protests

Several rockets have been fired at Baghdads Green Zone following violent clashes between police and supporters of cleric Muqtada al-Sadr which claimed the lives of at least seven people.


La La Land director backs Asghar Farhadi

The director of film musical La La Land, who won the top prize at the Directors Guild of America Awards ahead of the Oscars later this month, backs Iranian director Asghar Farhadi who decided not to attend the Oscar ceremony because of Trumps travel ban.

Iranian baby girl with heart defect admitted into Portland hospital

An Iranian infant in need of life-saving heart surgery arrived Tuesday at a Portland hospital with her family after being temporarily banned from coming to the U.S. by President Donald Trumps immigration orders.

Iran holds first womens motocross championship in Tehran

Iran has held the countrys first womens motocross championship in the capital city of Tehran.

Womens world championship takes off Saturday

The 2017 Womens World Championship will start in Tehran on Saturday. Among the 64 participants areformer world champions Alexandra Kosteniuk, Anna Ushenina,Antoaneta StefanovaandZhu Chen.The top seed is world number two Ju Wenjun.

Russian scientists find 13kg of extraterrestrial material in Iranian desert

A team of Russian geologists from Ural Federal University recently returned from an expedition in the Lut desert in the east of Iran. The team found 13 kilograms of meteorite-like material. Sputnik Persian spoke with Viktor Grokhovsky a member of the Committee on Meteorites at the Academy of Sciences.

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