3 Jun 2024
Sunday 18 November 2018 - 17:37
Story Code : 327200

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on November 18

Iran Front Page - IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Sunday, November 18, 2018, and picked headlines from 14 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

The top story in all papers today was the visit of Iraqi President Barham Salih to Tehran, and his meetings with top Iranian officials including the Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani.

Also a top story was a report by Washington Post which cited CIA officials saying that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had ordered the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines and top stories:



1- Europe Supports Iraqs Stance against US Sanctions

2- Turkish Party Leader: Syrian, Turkish Delegations Hold Secret Talks in Iran


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Tehran, Baghdad Need Each Other

2- Iran Leader to Iraq President: Strongly Stand against Enemies of Powerful Iraq


Arman-e Emrooz:

1- No to Filtering of Communitys Reality

2- A Report on Dangerous Epidemic of New Illicit Drug in Iran



1- Araqchi: Weve Not Yet Stop Pinning Hope on Europe

2- Rouhani: Iraqs Security to the Benefit of Iran, Middle East



1- Iran Leader: Well Stand by Our Iraqi Brothers


1- Rouhanis Intention, Salihs Action: Iraqi President Visits Iran despite US Pressures

2- Baghdads Message from Tehran to Washington



1- Kerry: Im Sorry for My Ridiculous-Looking Country

2- Scholars from 100 Countries to Attend Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran

3- Tehran Prosecutor: Money Laundering Mother of All Crimes

4- 82,000 Job Opportunities Created in Agriculture



1- Number of Music Recording Studios in Iran Up from 15 in 1979 to 304 in 2018

Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Iranian Officials Stress Expansion of All-Out Ties with Iraq

2- Red Cross: Death, Hunger, Devastation Engulfing Lives of Yemenis

3- Rouhani: Value of Iran-Iraq Trade Ties Can Be Increased to $20 Billion


1- Iran Parliament Shouldnt Play with National Security by Ratifying CFT

2- Fuel Prices Increase in France: 50,000 Protesters Block Highway



1- Dirty Hands: CIA Concludes Bin Salman Ordered Khashoggi Killing

2- Decline in US Dollar Rate


Setareh Sobh:

1- Whats Purpose of Iraqi Presidents Visits to Tehran, Riyadh?

  • Possibility of Baghdads Mediation between Tehran, Riyadh

2- Iran Leader to Iraq President: People-to-People Contacts at Great Level

3- Beijing-Washington War in OPEC Summit



1- Salih: Iraq Wont Be Part of Hostile Policies against Iran

2- US Strategy against Iran [Editorial]

3- US Dollars Cold Reaction to Trumps Decision


Sobh-e Now:

1- Hell in California: Over 1,000 Missing after Deadliest Wildfire in US History

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