8 Sep 2024
By Trend

About 80 percent of country's problems come from improper management, Iran's parliament speaker Ali Larijani said today, Fars reported.

"The other 20 percent of problems are the result of the international embargo," Larijani said.

The Speaker was commenting on U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland's words regarding Iran's economy suffering big time from the impact of the imposed sanctions.

"From our perspective increasingly successful international pressure is affecting Iranian economy. It's under incredible strain. Iran is increasingly cut off from the global financial system. Significant amounts of Iranian oil is also coming off the market. Firms all over the world are refusing to do business with Iranian companies," U.S. spokesperson Victoria Nuland said at the briefing.

Ali Larijani said that the country has more important problems than international sanctions.

"The liquidity in the country has rapidly increased by 83 percent in the last 7 years," Larijani said. "This increase means that no investments are possible, production has slown down, inflation has started to grow. As a result of this, wrong decisions are being made, and wrong steps are being taken."

Larijani noted that banks' debts to Iran's Central Bank have increased 3 times, and they cannot be paid, adding that as a result of this, financial indiscipline occurs.

"How is that connected with imposed sanctions," Larijani asked. "It doesn't have anything to do with international sanctions."

Larijani said that the authorities made a mistake by investing foreign currency into "Maskan-e Mehr" house-building programme.

"While housing is an important factor, if there is no balance, economic problems arise," Larijani noted.


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