21 Sep 2024
Moscow, Oct 9, IRNA -- Ivan Ippolitov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Climatology, Oceanography and Remote Sensing, said on wednesday that the West should seize the unique opportunity over nuclear talks with Iran.
Speaking to IRNA, Ippolitov said the upcoming Iran-G5+1 meeting is of high significance. To make maximum use of the chance, Western governments of the G5+1 should use the opportunity for nuclear talks with Iran in light of its readiness to reach an agreement soon.
He said that presently a proper chance has been made available to reach an agreement with Iran and the country and the G5+1 should use the chance as much as possible.
He added that Iran has been capable of showing the world that its nuclear program is peaceful and the decree of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei plays a pivotal role in the issue.
He opined that Ayatollah Khamenei had in his decree termed production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons religiously forbidden.
Many countries, receiving the message of Iran, gained full confidence in peaceful nature of Iran nuclear program. However, certain political considerations and concerns over the hatred driven sanctions by the United States have prompted heads of state to avoid negative comments about Iranian nuclear program.
Ippolitov added that the 120-nation NAM support for Iran and its nuclear stance is important and noteworthy.
With such a political support globally, Iran can defend its interests well and claims of certain officials, including Israeli prime minister, that Iran is isolated internationally, are baseless and a mere lie.



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