2 Jun 2024
Monday 25 December 2023 - 18:00
Story Code : 409833
Source : Mehr News

Iran, Iraq deputy FMs stress stabilizing West Asia region

The Iran Project : Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani and the deputy foreign minister of Iraq Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Bahr AlUloom in a meeting stressed the need for stabilizing the West Asia region.
Iran, Iraq deputy FMs stress stabilizing West Asia region
Iran, Iraq deputy FMs stress stabilizing West Asia region
According to The Iran Project,The two senior diplomats held talks at the 6th meeting of the joint political committee of Iran and Iraq on Sunday.

During the meeting,  Bagheri Kani described relations between Tehran and Baghdad as outstanding, emphasizing the historical responsibility of the two countries to support the unity of the Islamic world and bring stability to the West Asian region.

Referring to the vast area of cooperation between the two neighboring states, the Iranian senior diplomat called for promoting joint projects and expanding cooperation in the field of economy.

The Iraqi senior diplomat, for his part, stressed the need for continuing cooperation and dialogue between the two countries in the field of economy and security.

The two sides also conferred on the ongoing situation in Palestine, stressing the necessity for strengthening diplomatic and international efforts to confront the Israeli regime's crimes in the besieged Gaza Strip.

They also discussed security and consular issues and emphasized the immediate and complete implementation of the agreements.
Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project
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