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Iran�s coverage: Rouhani says Iran will file legal case against US for sanctions

18 Mar 2019 - 18:29

Daily look at Iran�s late-breaking news and upcoming events:
US assumes can return to Iran by intensifying pressure: Rouhani
President Hassan Rouhani said Mon. that the United States wrongly assumes that by imposing the most severe sanctions on Iran, it can return to the country and take control of the Iranian people.

FATF bills to be passed if Europe gives guarantees: Official
A senior member of Iran�s Expediency Council said the EC will ratify the FATF and Palermo Convention if the Europeans give precise guarantees to Iran.

Rouhani: JCPOA helps Iran survive UNSC chapter 7
President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that the historical deal �Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was a good one which rescued the country from UNSC chapter seven.

Expediency Council�s decision on FATF to surely consider Iran�s interests
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Mon. that the Expediency Council�s final verdict on accession to the two FATF-related conventions will be surely based on the country�s national interests.

Iranian guard martyred in country�s western borders
An official with Kurdestan province�s governorate said that after an armed conflict with some gunmen on Sunday evening in Baneh border region, one of the border guards has been martyred.

Iran President�s visit to Iraq puzzles out knots: Zarif
President Hassan Rouhani�s visit to Iraq solved many age-old problems, said Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif in Qom on Monday.

Iran economy minister in China to discuss trade ties
Iran�s�Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Farhad Dejpasand has traveled to China to discuss ways of�promoting�bilateral trade.

Iran, EU to hold 5th round of talks on Yemen
The 5th round of talks between Iran and the European Union on the latest development in Yemen is slated to be held in Brussels later today.

Mogherini insists on EU-China cooperation to adhere JCPOA
EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini stressed on assuring EU and China�s commitment to Iran�s nuclear deal, alone with other areas of their cooperation.

Official: Iran outpaces Qatar in extraction of gas from South Pars field
A senior Iranian official announced that the country is now extracting more gas from the South Pars field than Qatar despite the US sanctions on Iran�s energy sector and following cooperation among different relevant bodies in the country.

Story Code: 342837

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