7 Jun 2024
Friday 8 February 2019 - 00:01
Story Code : 337804

Large number of convicts pardoned by Leader on 40th anniv. of Revolution

MNA On the 40th anniversary of Islamic Revolution, the Leader of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Khamenei has pardoned the largest number of convicts.

The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Ayatollah Khamenei has pardoned or reduced the sentence ofthe highest number of convicts sentenced by Public Courts and Revolutionary Courts in the history of the Islamic Republic on the 40th anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which is going to be celebrated by massive rallies across the country on February 11.

According to Khamenei.ir, numerous convicts of Public and Revolutionary Courts, the Judicial Organization of Armed Forces, and the State Discretionary Punishment Organization, whose convictions were confirmed by February 11, 2019, and who were deemed eligible for clemency or reduction of their sentences, with the agreement of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei, were pardoned or their sentences were reduced, and enjoyed Islamic mercy.

The convicts have to meet some conditions in order to be pardoned by the Leader.The tradition is in line with implementing Paragraph 11 of Article 110 of Irans Constitutionin a bid to reduce the adverse effects of imprisonment on the families of convictsand facilitate the process of the convicts' rehabilitation.

Ayatollah Amoli Larijani, the Chief of Irans Judiciary Branch, penned a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei, asking his Eminence to reduce or pardon the sentences of aforementioned convicts who were deemed eligible for clemency. The following is the full text of Ayatollah Khameneis response to Ayatollah Larijanis letter:

In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Greetings and congratulations onthe Fajr ten-day occasion,

I agree with the clemency of this great number of convicts of the courts and I am grateful to you for the offer. The reminiscences of the Islamic Revolution is certainly the appropriate occasion to share the happiness of the Iranian nation with the families of those affected by judicial convictions.

Allahs peace and mercy be upon you

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