3 Jun 2024
Monday 3 December 2018 - 16:53
Story Code : 329150

Iran to oppose US-initiated resolution against Hamas: FM

Tasnim Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif pledged that Tehran will battle in the United Nations General Assembly to block a draft resolution that the US has proposed against the Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas.

Zarif and Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas Political Bureau, held a telephone conversation on Monday about the latest developments in Palestine.

In the conversation, Haniyeh referred to US attempts to introduce a draft resolution at the UN General Assembly to condemn the Palestinian resistance movement, and called on Iran to express its opposition to the move, according to the Iranian Foreign Ministrys website.

For his part, the Iranian top diplomat underlined Tehrans support for the rights of Palestinians.

He also expressed regret that the policies adopted by certain regional states have emboldened the US to not only violate international rights by moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds, but also to introduce a draft resolution against Palestines Islamic resistance at the UN General Assembly.

Zarif also assured Haniyeh that Iran will do its best to unite other Islamic and progressive states at the General Assembly to prevent a ratification of the US-drafted resolution, which he said stands in contradiction to the UN Charter.
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