7 Jun 2024
Sunday 14 October 2018 - 13:20
Story Code : 323163

Iran's national interests, security more important than JCPOA

MNA Iranian President Hassan Rouhani asserted on Sunday that national interests and security are more important that JCPOA, adding "we are the winners politically, and no one doubts that the United States has failed because it has violated international obligations."

Speaking on Sunday at a ceremony marking beginning of the new academic year, Rouhani said the "ceremony means respecting science, knowledge, research and technology and the addressee of this respect are our dear professors and students."

Stressing that university can be the origin of development and the symbol of authority, President Hassan Rouhani said, university has a very important role in scientific, cultural andsocial acceptability of the young generation."

Rouhani referred to the recent hearing of Iran case in The Hague, saying, some of Iranian lawyers in this hearing were graduated from University of Tehran."

As Imam Khomeini (RA) used to say, university can be the origin of developments and the symbol of authority, which the Leader of Islamic Revolution has also reiterated, added Rouhani.

He also said, if today, a manager is subject to criticism, we have to consider it a criticism towards the university, because these managers have been trained in these universities."

On the role of hope in the country and the society, Rouhani said, the reason for our achievements in the current Iranian government was hope of future and peoples views about the future."

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