3 Jun 2024
Monday 10 June 2013 - 13:55
Story Code : 32104

Presidential candidates to have representatives at Guardian Council

The spokesman for Iran's Guardian Council says the country's presidential candidates will have representatives at the top election supervisory body.
During the previous election, we realized that there may be problems and ambiguities in [the candidates] campaign headquarters; therefore, we invited the candidates to appoint representatives to the Guardian Council, so that they could convey any problems or complaints to us in case of need, Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei said on Monday.

The Guardian Councils spokesman made the remarks in a meeting with the heads of the campaign headquarters of the presidential candidates.

Kadkhodaei added that the Guardian Council had decided to have more cooperation and interaction with the candidates in order to resolve issues with regard to the electoral process so that no problems would occur.

After a 10-day vetting process, the Guardian Council approved eight political figures to run for presidency, namely former Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel; former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati; Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili; Secretary of Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei; Hassan Rohani, the director of the Strategic Research Center of the Expediency Council; former First Vice President Mohammad Reza Aref; Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf; and former Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Gharazi.

Iranians will cast their ballots at over 66,000 polling stations across the country in the nations 11th presidential election on June 14. Iranian nationals residing abroad will also be able to vote at 285 polling stations that will be set up in foreign countries.

By Press TV


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