Press TV- An informed source at the Iranian Foreign Ministry says Turkey must keep Iran updated�on any construction of�a wall along the two countries� border.
The source added on Tuesday that Iran welcomes Turkey�s plan and does not oppose it;�however, Ankara must notify Tehran before any move.
The Iranian official further said the Islamic Republic has no problem with Turkey adopting a new measure in the Iranian-Turkish border as part of what Ankara describes as security strategies.
The source added that the construction of the wall would prevent smuggling of billions of dollars of goods from Turkey to Iran and expressed hope the plan would be implemented as soon as possible.
A high-level Turkish official told�H�rriyet�daily on Monday that Ankara plans to build a wall on its border with Iran to prevent Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants from entering the country from a camp in Iran.
This as Iran is also fighting a PKK offshoot�in its northwestern border region with Turkey. Iranian forces killed five PJAK terrorists in an ambush there last June.
PJAK randomly carries out hit-and-run attacks on Iranian targets, after which they retreat to their lairs in Iraq and Turkey.
Turkey has previously built more than 550 kilometers of wall along the Syrian border in order to prevent the PKK and Daesh Takfiri terrorists from carrying out acts of terror.