3 Jun 2024
Monday 1 August 2016 - 11:46
Story Code : 225173

Irans Zanganeh due in Parliament over recent blazes at petchem complexes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) The spokesman for the Iranian Parliaments Energy Commission said Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh will participate in a meeting of the commission to explain about the causes of recent blazes at a number of petrochemical complexes in the country.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Asadollah Qarehkhani said probing into the recent fires in some petrochemical sites are high on the agenda of the Energy Commission.

Given the fact that fires at petrochemical plants have increased in the current year and that the commission has a duty to monitor the incidents, the oil minister will be in parliament to explain the issue.

The remarks came after a storage tank in the Bistoon Petrochemical Complex in Irans western province of Kermanshah caught fire on Friday.

According to the Director of the complex Mohammad Reza Karam, the fire was extinguished on the same day and left no casualties.

Preliminary indications suggested that a fault in the electrical system may have caused the incident.

The fire came only 20 days after the most serious incident in the history of Irans petrochemical industry, when an inferno broke out at Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical Refinery Complex in Mahshahr and raged at a giant storage tank for more than two days.

By Tasnim News Agency

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