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US accuses Iran of nuke 'deception and delay'

7 Mar 2013 - 0:38

Iran news headlines on Wednesday include US warning Iran of further international isolation in its nuclear program; NAM members statement on "dialogue" solution on Iran nuke issue; US Secretary of State remarks over Iran nuclear advancement despite sanctions and�Iran declaration�a day of national mourning on Wednesday over�Hugo Chavez death.
U.S. warns Iran of more �isolation� in nuclear dispute
The United States warned Iran on Wednesday that it faces further international isolation and pressure if it fails to address U.N. nuclear watchdog concerns about its atomic activity, which the West fears has a military purpose.

In a hard-hitting statement delivered at a board meeting of the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency, U.S. envoy Joseph Macmanus accused Iran of �provocative actions�, singling out the recent installation of advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges.
Dialogue is the sole solution to Iran�s nuclear issue � NAM
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states said that diplomacy and dialogue are the only solution to Iran�s nuclear issue, Iran�s IRNA reported.

In a statement, NAM underlines inalienable rights of all countries for development, research, production and use of atomic energy for peaceful goals without any kind of discrimination and upon lawful obligations.
Kerry: Iran advances towards nukes despite sanctions
US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that despite sanctions imposed on Iran, the Islamic Republic continues to advance towards possessing a nuclear weapon, ABC News reported.

�Lines have been drawn before and they�ve been passed. That�s why the president has been so definitive this time.
Iran declares day of mourning for anti-U.S. ally Chavez
Iran declared a day of national mourning on Wednesday after the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who shared the Islamic Republic�s loathing for U.S. �imperialism�.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who had forged a public friendship with Chavez characterized by lavish mutual praise, hugs and light-hearted moments, may attend Chavez�s funeral on Friday, state news agency IRNA reported.


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Story Code: 21943

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