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Iran's coverage: Russia finalizes deal with Iran on S-300 air-defense missiles

9 Nov 2015 - 18:52

Daily look at Iran’s late-breaking news and upcoming events:

Clear skies: Iran about to acquire Russian S-300 missile defense systems
Russia has signed a contract with Iran on the delivery of S-300 missile defense systems and as soon as the first part of the contract is fulfilled.

Iran summons Saudi diplomat over execution of nationals
Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday summoned the Saudi chargé d’affaires in Tehran in protest over Riyadh’s move to execute three Iranian nationals, whom Saudi Arabia had convicted of drug smuggling.

Arak reactor to be discussed in Vienna: Zarif
Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said here on Monday that the negotiations on the official document for reconstruction of Arak reactor has been finished and the document is ready to be inked.

Missing Iranian diplomat might have been abducted: Deputy FM
 A senior Iranian official on Monday said one cannot rule out the possibility that Ghazanfar Roknabadi, Iran’s ex-envoy to Lebanon who is still missing after recent deadly crush in Mina, Saudi Arabia, may have been kidnapped.

Iranian president stresses closer ties with South Africa
 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reiterated that Tehran’s policy is to promote its relations with African nations, including South Africa, in various political and economic areas.

Zarif urges ‘proactive approach’ in countering enemy infiltration
Iranian FM Zarif advocated a proactive rather than a reactive approach for the country’s policies following the JCPOA as the best way to counter foreign infiltration and influence.

Warnings on centrifuges ‘suffering untimeliness’
The spokesman of AEOI has said warning by Parliament about dismantling centrifuges suffers untimeliness, since “we have not yet acted so that they could warn us accordingly.”

Iran’s deputy FM, UN envoy discuss latest developments in Yemen
 Iran’s deputy-FM for Arab and African affairs has told UN Secretary-General special envoy to Yemen only constructive cooperation by regional players would bring solution to Yemen.

Belgian FM to Rouhani: Belgium ready to coop. with Iran on nuclear energy
 Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders says his country is ready to cooperate with Iran on using peaceful nuclear energy in medical fields such as diagnosis and treatment of cancer and developing diagnostic drugs.

Iran to attend Syria peace talks in Vienna: Official
A senior Iranian official said the Islamic Republic will participate in the upcoming talks on Syria to help find a diplomatic resolution to the crisis in the Arab country.

Story Code: 188054

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