3 Jun 2024
Saturday 18 April 2015 - 23:26
Story Code : 160779

Iran says all sanctions must be lifted upon nuclear agreement

Iran says all sanctions must be lifted upon nuclear agreement
A senior Iranian official says all sanctions against Tehran should be lifted once a final agreement is reached between Tehran and the P5+1 group over the Islamic Republics nuclear program.

The abolition of all cruel and illegal sanctions [against Iran] is imperative after an agreement [is reached between Iran and the P5+1 group], Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Irans Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), said in a meeting with visiting Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on Saturday.

Basically, there would be no justification for the sanctions to remain in place given Irans performance and commitment totransparency, he added.

Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council the US, Britain, France, Russia and China -- plus Germany along with officials from the European Union reached a mutual understanding on Tehrans nuclear program on April 2 after eight days of marathon talks in the Swiss city of Lausanne. The two sides will now work on drawing up a final accord by the June30 deadline.

Regarding the crisis in Yemen, the senior Iranian official urged the implementation of a four-point peace plan proposed by Iran, which includes hammering out a ceasefire, sending humanitarian assistance to the people affected by violence, launching an intra-Yemeni dialog,and establishinga broad-based government with the participation of all Yemeni factions.

Saudi Arabias air campaign against Yemen started on March 26, without a United Nations mandate, in a bid to restore power to the countrys fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

According to reports, over2,600 people, including women and children, have so far lost their lives in the attacks.

Shamkhani voiced Irans readiness to help fight terrorism in the region, saying the Islamic Republic has paid the price for countering terrorism despite certain countries unreal claims of countering the menace.

The Australian foreign minister, for her part, highlighted Irans role in the battle against extremist and terrorist groups in the region and warned against the spread of terrorism.

She also hailed negotiations over Irans nuclear program and hoped that Tehran and the six world powers could strike a final deal.

By Press TV
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