4 Jun 2024
Wednesday 7 January 2015 - 11:04
Story Code : 143382

Amnesty urges immediate freedom of Bahraini opposition leader

Amnesty urges immediate freedom of Bahraini opposition leader
TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Amnesty International called for the immediate release of the jailed Bahraini opposition leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, amid continued protests in the Persian Gulf kingdom.

The London-based rights group said in a Tuesday statement that the Al Khalifa regime should drop the charges against the secretary general of al-Wefaq society, Bahrain's largest opposition, and release him without delay.

It described the detention of Salman as a flagrant violation of his right to freedom of expression.

The cleric has been in jail since December 28 last year on several counts of charges, including subversion.

Earlier, Bahrains opposition groups had condemned the move as unconstitutional.

In a joint statement on January 6, several movements, including the National Democratic Action Society and the Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, said that the arrest of Salman was aimed at targeting the principle of political activities.

The European Union also has warned that Sheikh Salmans arrest will worsen Bahrains already fragile political and security situation, Press TV reported.

Meanwhile, Bahraini protesters held fresh rallies in solidarity the cleric on Tuesday.

They say the rallies will continue until the Al Khalifa regime sets free Sheikh Salman.

By Tasnim News Agency


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