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Saturday 9 August 2014 - 16:03
Story Code : 110272

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Saturday, 09-08-2014

Iran Daily

Araqchi: Iran, US address differences in nuclear talks
The recent bilateral talks between Iran and the United States dealt with outstanding sticking points in Tehrans ongoing negotiations with the P5+1 group, a senior Iranian nuclear negotiator said.

IRNA chief criticizes world media for biased Gaza coverage
Managing Director of Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) Mohammad Khoddadi criticized world media for fanatic performance on the events in Gaza.

Israel resumes killing of Gazans
Israel resumed cross-border attacks on Friday, after a three-day truce expired at 8 a.m. (0500 GMT) and talks brokered by Egypt on a new border deal for the blockaded coastal territory hit a deadlock.

US aircraft hit ISIL artillery in Iraq
US military aircraft conducted an airstrike on Friday against ISIL artillery used against Kurdish forces defending the city of Arbil, near US personnel, a Pentagon spokesman said.

Afghan candidates sign unity-government deal
Afghanistans rival presidential candidates signed a deal to cooperate on the formation of a government of national unity, both candidates told a news conference on Friday.

Reports: ISIL leader is Mossad agent
The leader of the self-styled Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has lately become a target for several conspiracy theories.

Students demonstrate in support of Gazans
Iranian students have staged a fresh protest rally in Tehran to slam Israels deadly raids on Gaza, calling on Muslim states to stand united in defending the war-stricken Palestinians.

Govt set to forge closer ties with press
President Hassan Rouhani said that his government is determined to establish closer mutual communication with the press and media.

Araqchi: Iran, US address differences in nuclear talks
he recent bilateral talks between Iran and the United States dealt with outstanding sticking points in Tehrans ongoing negotiations with the P5+1 group, a senior Iranian nuclear negotiator said.

Diplomat: Tehran, London in talks to reopen embassies
Iran and the UK are in talks to discuss the full reopening of the embassies of both countries in the near future, the Iranian non-resident charg daffaires to Britain has announced.

Tehran Times
Israel restarts Gaza assault, kills 5
Israeli shelling killed a 10-year-old boy at a mosque and four other people in separate attacks on Friday, medics said. They were the ?rst deaths since ?ghting began again following the expiration of a three-day truce.

U.S. warplanes strike ISIL to protect minorities
U.S. warplanes struck Iraq on Friday for the ?rst time since American troops pulled out in 2011, attacking terrorists advancing towards the Kurdish region after President Barack Obama said Washington must act to prevent genocide.

U.S. says Kuwait is funding ISIL
The United States says Kuwait is one of the financiers of the so- called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorist group which has been active in Syria and Iraq.

Putin bans food imports from sanctioning countries for 1 year
Showing that he has no intention of bending to economic pressure from the U.S. and EU, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday signed a decree banning or limiting imports of agricultural products from all countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia in a move that threatens to upend trade worth tens of billions of dollars, the Moscow Times reported.

Saad Hariri returns to Lebanon after three years
Former premier Saad Hariri arrived back in Lebanon Friday after three years and went straight into a meeting with current Prime Minister Tammam Salam, his o?ce said.

Onslaught on Gaza is a massacre not a war: international lawyer
Israel has failed to achieve any of its objectives from its brutal military assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, but Palestinians have a long way to go before the inevitable victory will manifest, an international lawyer and political commentator says.

Syrian forces kill over 200 insurgents in ambush operation
Syrian armed forces have conducted operations across the country targeting hiding dens and staging areas of foreign-backed insurgent groups and crushing their in?ltration attempts in multiple neighborhoods and eliminating scores of the terror elements.

Israels assault on Gaza is killing of humanity: Rouhani
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said that the bombardment of schools and the mutilation of Palestinian children are undoubtedly clear examples of genocide and the catastrophe in the Gaza Strip is not only the killing of humans but also the killing of humanity.

Britain to reopen embassy in Tehran soon
Mohammad Hassan Habibollahzadeh, the Iranian non- resident charg da?aires to Britain, has said that the British embassy in Tehran will be reopened soon and all sections of the Iranian embassy in London will also be active in the near future.

Iran, U.S. hold useful nuclear talks in Geneva
Iran and the United States held useful nuclear talks in Geneva on Thursday, according to a senior Iranian nuclear negotiator.

U.S.s Burns to stay involved in Iran talks after he retires
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns and White House aide Jake Sullivan will remain involved in the nuclear talks with Iran after they leave their current posts, the U.S. State Department said on Thursday.

Turkish trucks en route to northern Iraq can go via Iran: minister
Iran has given permission for Turkish trucks travelling to northern Iraq to pass through Iran due to the advance of Islamic State militants in the region, Iranian Trade Minister Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh said on Friday.

Iranian Assyrians slam ISIL crimes against Christians in Iraq, Syria
Iranian Assyrians have held a rally in protest to the atrocities committed by the ISIL militants against Christians in Iraq and Syria.

Iran delivers humanitarian aid cargo to Iraqi Kurds
Iran delivered a major humanitarian aid cargo to the Iraq to help the people in the Kurdistan Region
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