8 Sep 2024
Tuesday 22 July 2014 - 17:22
Story Code : 107961

Iranian FM hopes for reaching final deal with powers before new deadline

Iranian FM hopes for reaching final deal with powers before new deadline
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed the hope that Tehran and the world powers will be able to reach a final deal before the new deadline (November 24) specified after the two sides held several rounds of talks in the past 6 months without any tangible results.

Member of the parliament's Presiding Board Alireza Monadi Sepidan quoted Zarif as making the above-mentioned remarks in a recent private session with the Iranian legislators.

"Based on the remarks of the foreign minister, there is a possibility for reaching an agreement before the end of the 4-month period," Sepidan said in an interview with the parliament's news website on Tuesday.

Stressing that the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) has recognized Iran's right of enriching uranium for peaceful purposes, he said, "The negotiating team is now discussing the details."

Asked about the G5+1's demands for decreasing the number of Iran's centrifuges, Sepidan said, "At present, the number of centrifuges has remained at the previous level and they (Iran and powers) are having discussions in this regard."

The Iranian legislators in a statement on Wednesday (a few days before Tehran and the G+1 ended their last round of talks before the July 20 deadline without reaching a final deal) appreciated the country's negotiators in nuclear talks with the six world powers, and meantime stressed that any final deal with the sextet should endorse Iran's use of enough centrifuge machines to produce its needed 190,000 SWUs (Separative Work Units) enrichment capacity for fueling Iran's power and research reactors.

"As the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has explicitly announced, the country needs 190,000 SWUs for producing fuel for its nuclear power plants, (therefore) the negotiating team should avoid (inking) any agreement which will be different from this amount or lead to pressures by the Group 5+1 or any ambiguities in the future," the statement read by member of the parliament's Presiding Board Zarqam Sadeqi stressed on Wednesday.

The statement also stressed the necessity for continued nuclear research and development (R&D) works in Iran, and said, "Fordo as an enrichment and R&D center is necessary for the country and should be kept."

The Iranian MPs also reiterated the necessity for the simultaneous removal of all sanctions against Iran, the normalization of Tehran's nuclear case and the country's use of its rights and advantages based on the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The statement was issued over a week after Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei rejected the world powers' demand from Iran to suffice to 10,000 SWUs for enriching uranium, and underlined, "According to the relevant (Iranian) officials the country definitely needs 190,000 SWUs."

Also one day after Ayatollah Khamenei's remarks, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi lashed out at the western media lies and fabrications about Iran's demanded number of centrifuge machines during the talks with the world powers in Vienna, and said Iran is in need of 190,000 SWUs to fuel its power and research reactors.

"We need almost 190,000 SWUs for an agreed time interval, meaning the next 8 years, to provide fuel for Bushehr nuclear power plant so that we can provide the fuel for this power plant, Tehran research reactor and Arak reactor after the end of our contract with Russia (which has built Bushehr nuclear power plant)," Salehi told FNA.

"We don't define enrichment on the basis of the centrifuge machines, but on the basis of its unit, that is SWUs," he explained.

Salehi underlined that the number of centrifuges needed for having 190,000 SWUs depends on the type of the centrifuge machines.

He said Iran's first generation IR1 centrifuge machines have a nominal output of over 3 SWUs, but in practice they yield less than 2 SWUs, meaning that "if we want to reach the above-mentioned 190,000 SWUs with the help of these (IR1) machines, then we would need more numbers, while if we use the (the fourth generation) IR4 centrifuge machines which yield 24 SWUs, then we would need less than 10,000 centrifuge machines".

"Thus, the hues and cries about the number of centrifuges are deliberate deviations from the reality as we have defined our needs based on SWUs, and not on the basis of centrifuge machines," Salehi said.

He also reiterated that Iran needs centrifuges with 190,000 SWUs to supply the annual needs of its nuclear power plant in Bushehr.

By Fars News Agency


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