3 Jun 2024
Saturday 22 February 2014 - 12:19
Story Code : 85136

Iran daily: Tehran praises outcome of Vienna nuclear talks

Iranian officials have praisedthe outcome of this weeks talks with the 5+1 Powers on a comprehensive nuclear talks, while stressing that the agreement of a framework for discussions testifies to Tehrans strength.
OnThursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and the European Unions Catherine Ashton said formal discussions will resume in Vienna on March 17, with experts from the two sides discussing technical matters a couple of weeks in advance.

The spokesman for Irans Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Behrouz Kamalvandi, said on Friday, It seems that both parties are satisfiedthough negotiations are very hard and they need many more expert level talks, so that we can get into the issues in more details and define a framework for the negotiations.

Kamalvandi maintained that Iran had achieved the advance while being aware of the tactics and intense media spin of the 5+1 Powers, countering this with its presentation of key legal, technical, and political issues.

The spokesman also reaffirmed Irans cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency with an intention to engage more directly.

Agreements between Tehran and the IAEA in the last three months have included inspections of uranium mines and facilities such as the Arak heavy-water reactor complex. Tehran has also agreed to provide information on explosive detonators which have the potential for use in a militarized nuclear program.

US Companies Seeking Permission to Sell Aircraft Parts to Iran
US companies are seeking permissionto sell aircraft parts to Iran for the first time in more than 30 years.

Boeing and General Electric have applied for export licenses follow Novembers interim nuclear deal between Iran and the 5+1 Powers, according to industry officials.

US aerospace companies halted sales to the Islamic Republic when sanctions were imposed after the Iranian takeover of the US Embassy in 1979.

A GE spokesman said his company had been asking since 2004 for permission to provide parts and maintenance for engines for safety reasons. GE refiled its request after the interim nuclear deal came into effect on January 20.

By EA WorldView


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