3 Jun 2024
Thursday 30 January 2014 - 13:25
Story Code : 80883

Fabius says France remains firm in future talks on Iranian nuclear

PARIS, Jan 30 (KUNA) -- French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Thursday expressed satisfaction with the "first part" of an accord signed between the international community and Iran on its controversial nuclear sector, but he promised to remain "firm" in future talks that will begin next month.
Fabius declined to predict the outcome of the forthcoming talks that France hopes will provide ironclad guarantees on the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme.

He told "Europe 1" radio that he "did not know at all" if Iran would finally forgo any intention to acquire a nuclear weapon.

"The first part of the accord that we negotiated (late in 2013) is good and we are in the process of implementing it," the Foreign Minister said.

"But it only lasts for six months," he added.

Fabius remarked that the second phase revolves around Iran's acceptance of "the perspective" of renouncing military nuclear activity, or "of remaining on the threshold." "France is totally firm, totally firm" that Iran should not have a military nuclear capacity, he said, adding "we want a solution that is positive for security." He said it was not a matter of trust in dealing with Iran, but it was a matter of ensuring there was no misleading by any party, and for that guarantees are required.



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