3 Jun 2024
Thursday 30 January 2014 - 12:01
Story Code : 80852

Brahimi: No breakthrough in Syria talks, Iran presence could be useful

As he said there was no breakthrough made at negotiations between delegations of Syria government and the foreign-backed opposition, International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said Irans presence in the peace talks could be useful.
"Nobody's walking out. Nobody's running away," Brahimi said on Tuesday.
"We have not actually made a breakthrough, but we are still at it, and this is enough as far as I'm concerned," he added.

The two sides have been negotiating in Geneva over the past few days, with talks deadlocked over the opposition's insistence that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad resign.

Brahimi also said that the US and Russia are working hard to find a solution to the conflict in Syria, adding that the talks will continue through Friday.

On Tuesday, Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi demanded that "Iran should be part of the region's issues and its solutions, especially in the Syrian crisis. It should have been invited to Geneva II... since its role cannot be ignored."

In response, Brahimi said, "I think we will try to talk and cooperate with Iran in the future, so it would do its role and bear its responsibility in the region."

By Al Manar


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