3 Jun 2024
Wednesday 19 August 2020 - 14:29
Story Code : 381997

Neither sanctions perpetual, nor those in White House: Rouhani

MNA Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that those residing in the White House will not remain there for eternity as sanctions are also not perpetual either.

If anybody inside Iran thinks that this tyrannical administration and their tyrannical policies are perpetual, they are wrong. Neither the oppressive individuals in the White House nor their sanctions will remain in place forever, he said at a cabinet session on Wednesday.

Sanctions will be broken and eliminated, he highlighted. We resisted against these sanctions and made them acknowledge that they are moving in a wrong path.

The White House has fully realized that it has been wrong, continued Rouhani, adding that Washington is facing a tough situation for coming out of this route.

Elsewhere, he noted that As always, we should display our love and dedication to Ahl al-Bayt during this Muharram. Of course, there will be changes in the forms of mourning ceremonies as health protocols should be observed, he added.
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