2 Jun 2024
Tuesday 21 July 2020 - 17:31
Story Code : 380151

President: Gov't set to support exports to strengthen domestic production

IRNA President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that his administration's policy is to support exports to help strengthen domestic production.

Addressing a session on removal of barriers in the way of exports and facilitating them, he underlined the necessity to increase export of Iranian goods to neighboring states.

The president stressed the need to return export currencies to the country's financial cycle.

Referring to hazards of mono-product exports to the country's economy, Rouhani added that efforts to diversify export products are valuable measures to reinvigorate national economy contributing to the prosperity of the people.

"In recent months, border exchanges and exports and imports with neighboring countries have been hampered by the lockdown in the aftermath of outbreak of the coronavirus. Fortunately, reopening of borders in accordance with health protocols, border exchanges with neighbors have resumed and we must seize this opportunity to augment exports," he said.
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