2 Jun 2024
Wednesday 13 February 2019 - 17:41
Story Code : 338384

Iran-Japan ties based on cultural context: Speaker

Iran-Japan ties based on cultural context: Speaker
IRNA - Speaker of Iranian parliament Ali Larijani in a meeting with the head of the Iran-Japan Parliamentary Friendship Group emphasized that Iran-Japan relations are based on a cultural context, and these relations must be strengthened.

On the second day of his visit to Tokyo in a meeting with Ki Shida, head of the Iran-Japan Friendship Parliamentary Group, Ali Larijani, on Wednesday, pointed out the effective role of the Japanese official in expanding relations between the two countries, and said, 'In the minds of the Iranian people, there is no negative point towards the Japanese people and they are interested in expanding relations with your country.'

Addressing the Japanese official, he noted, 'Some countries, of course, create problems in the path of relations that need to be addressed to manage that, and your role and friendship are definitely effective in solving this problem.'

Pointing to his Tuesday meeting with some of Japan's most important industrial companies, the head of the country's legislative branch said the companies in the oil, gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and environmental sectors pursued important projects in Iran which stopped and the officials of these companies believed that a solution should be adopted in the Japanese government system, which, given your experience and the help of the group, can take a step further, and we will also help you.

Larijani, has been visiting the country for the purpose of developing all-out relations with the country's Senate Speakers invitation on Tuesday.
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