2 Jun 2024
Monday 3 June 2013 - 12:31
Story Code : 31086

Iran raps US double-standard policies

The Islamic Republic of Iran has condemned the United States for its double-standard policies on terrorism.
On Sunday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Araqchi condemned the US Department of States action to include Iran in its yearly report on terrorism, ISNA reported.
Releasing fictitious claims in the framework of yearly terrorism reports by the US government will not make the international community forget Americas all-out support for the state terrorism of the Zionist regime [of Israel] or ignore [its] committing numerous inhumane crimes under the guise of fighting terrorism, Araqchi said.
The spokesman added that the international community is well aware of the US authorities double-standard policies.

He also stated the arming of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda-affiliated group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria is proof of Washingtons duplicity in its foreign policy.

The United States, Britain, and their allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey are providing weapons and funds to terrorist groups in Syria, such as the al-Nusra, which are fighting to depose Syrian President Bashar al- Assad.

In its annual "Country Reports on Terrorism" for 2012, published on May 30, the US State Department accused Iran, Cuba, Sudan, and Syria of supporting terrorist activities.

On Friday, spokesman for Iran's UN mission in New York, Ali-Reza Miryousefi said the US is in no position to accuse other countries of supporting terrorism.

The United States and Israel have devised numerous anti-Iran plots over the years, including targeted assassinations of Iranian scientists.

By Press TV


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