6 Jun 2024
Monday 21 May 2018 - 11:53
Story Code : 305885

Yemen's retaliatory missile attack targets Saudi airport

Press TV - Yemens popular Houthi Ansarullah movement has fired a ballistic missile at an airport in southwest Saudi Arabia in retaliation for fresh airstrikes by the kingdom.

Yemens al-Masirah television network said on Monday that the Houthis had fired a Badr-1ballistic missile at Jizan's airport which successfully hit the target.

A Saudi television report said the countrys air defense systems had intercepted and destroyed the projectile.

The Houthis have fired a salvo of missiles at Saudi Arabiain recent months, including the capitalRiyadh, while the kingdom launched thousands of airstrikes on Yemen,killing hundreds of civilians at hospitals, schools andmarkets.

Riyadh frequently reportsinterceptingmissiles fired from Yemen, but various reports have pointed out that US-madePatriot interceptors were repeatedly failing against the counterattacks.

Last month, The New York Times described the Patriot a struggling missile defense system.

The Patriot system has faced recent scrutiny after it failed to protect Saudi Arabias capital from missiles fired by Houthi militants in Yemen, the paper wrote.

A month earlier, Washington-basedForeign Policy magazine published an article, describing the Patriot as a lemon of a missile defense system, and casting doubt on the veracity of the kingdoms claims of successfully neutralizing the counterattacks.

Saudi Arabia relies heavily on the United States to continue itsinvasion of Yemen. More than 14,000 have died since Riyadh and its allies launched their military campaign against the country.

Washington has been refueling Saudi warplanes engaged in the offensive, and providing logistical support to the warfare.

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