3 Jun 2024
Monday 26 February 2018 - 18:33
Story Code : 295517

US, Israel regime after removing unity between Iran, Iraq

IRNA The United States and the Zionist Regimes are trying to ruin unity between Iran and Iraq, Member of Expediency Council Ali Akbar Velayati said.

Velayati made the remarks Monday in a meeting with Iraqi Sunnis.

He expressed the hope for exchange of political, religious, social and cultural delegations to reinforce bilateral relations.

Iraq will be disintegrated if Iran and Iraq cease cooperation or will be under terrorists' control, Velayati added.

He urged developing ties between two countries to create peace and security in the region.

Head of Iraqi nomads' office, for his part, Jassem Alkanani appreciated Iran's supreme Leader, people and government for supporting Iraqi people in fighting Daesh.
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