2 Jun 2024
Wednesday 17 April 2013 - 16:27
Story Code : 25026

Sanctions on Iran not enough: Netanyahu

OCCUPIED-AL-QUDS: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday warned that the tough sanctions currently imposed on Iran might not be enough to prevent Tehran from obtaining a military nuclear capability.
We need to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, he told foreign diplomats attending a reception at the presidential residence in al-Quds, marking the 65th anniversary of the Jewish states foundation.

Weve seen the consequences of a rogue regime having atomic weapons, he said in reference to North Korea. Tough sanctions and talk dont always do the job.

Israel believes that the Islamic republic, which has issued many bellicose statements about the Jewish state, is working to achieve a military nuclear capability and has not ruled out a military strike to prevent this happening.

Last month Irans supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said his country would annihilate the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if it comes under attack by Israel.

Iran denies it is developing an atomic bomb and says it needs its nuclear programme of uranium enrichment for peaceful medical and energy purposes. Israel is widely believed to be the Middle Easts sole nuclear-armed state, albeit undeclared.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israels Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said the countrys military was capable of attacking Iran on its own without foreign support.

Asked in an interview on public radio if the military could wage attacks on Iran alone without the support of countries such as the US Gantz replied: Yes, absolutely. We have our plans and forecasts... if the time comes well decide on whether to take military action, he said.

Gantzs comments echoed statements earlier this month by Netanyahu, who said Israel would at no stage... abandon our fate into the hands of other countries, even our best friends.

In a separate interview on Tuesday, Gantz said the possibility of an Israeli strike on Iran was not imminent, and that sanctions imposed by the international community should be given priority to halt Tehrans nuclear drive.

Iran has the means to obtain nuclear capability before the end of the year, but this does not mean itll get there, he told news website YNet, adding that sanctions, isolation and continued pressure on Tehran must intensify.

By The News International


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