2 Jun 2024
Tuesday 23 December 2014 - 19:58
Story Code : 22636

Iran: Commanders authorized to respond to attacks

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- The spokesman for Iran's armed forces says military commanders have been given the authority to respond immediately to enemy attacks.
Gen. Masoud Jazayeri also says Iran keeps "all options are on the table", language similar to that used by U.S. President Barack Obama to leave open the possibility of military action against Iran's nuclear program.

Obama told Israel's Channel 2 TV Thursday that Washington still prefers diplomacy over force, but that a nuclear Iran is a "red line."

Jazayeri didn't elaborate. His comments were posted Saturday on sepahnews.com, the website of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, the country's most powerful military force.

Obama said Iran is about a year away from developing a nuclear weapon. Tehran denies it is pursuing weapons technology.

By The Associated Press


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