4 Jun 2024
Wednesday 8 June 2016 - 09:34
Story Code : 217528

President Rouhani: Iran's future promising

President Rouhani: Iran
Tehran, June 8, IRNA - President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that hope for a better future and development of the country in the present year (Iranian calendar) tends to be more promisng than the previous year.

He made the remarks in a fast-breaking (Iftar) ceremony with orphans on the occasion of the first day of Ramadan month.

During the meeting with orphans, President said that government will do its best to support the underprivileged and orphans.

Islam believes that all the mankind and particularly the Islamic countries constitute a big family and it urges them to help the needy in the family, Rouhani said.

President hailed the falling number of the underprivileged and enhancement of support for the orphans in Iran.

The figures show that 'we are moving forward in the right path.'

He urged emotional, financial and scientific support to be extended to all the orphans across Iran.

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