2 Jun 2024
Thursday 3 March 2016 - 14:53
Story Code : 204559

US Intel: Iran likely to develop more lethal missiles with sanctions easing

Iran is expected to accelerate its ballistic missile development with the end of most sanctions, by producing rockets with greater range and accuracy, US Defense Intelligence Agency Director Vincent Stewart told the US House of Representatives Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Moreover, Stewart explained that past sanctions have done little to slow Irans missile program.

"As we lift sanctions, in fact, theres increasing likelihood that they will find ways to improve lethality, mobility, range of all their missile systems," Stewart said.

"Our sanctions in the past have not kept the Iranians from developing the most sophisticated ballistic missile capability in the region, capable of reaching all of their potential adversaries, capable of reaching into Europe," he pointed out.

Oil and financial sanctions against Iran were lifted by the United States and Europe on January 16 after Tehran met its obligations under a July agreement to keep a peaceful nature of its nuclear program.

However, a series of Iranian missile tests as Western nations prepared to end those sanctions prompted the United States to impose new penalties, mainly targeting individuals and companies responsible for upgrading Irans missiles.
By Sputnik News
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