3 Jun 2024
Monday 4 January 2016 - 18:12
Story Code : 195362

Supreme Leader: Election guarantees people's rights

Tehran, Jan 4, IRNA Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Monday that election is a blessing guaranteeing the people's rights.

The Supreme Leader made the remarks in a meeting with Friday prayers leaders.

The Supreme Leader said that no vote-rigging took place in Iran in the former elections, adding that His Eminency's remarks earlier about the votes of the people must be safeguarded as the public rights must not be interpreted as concern about vote-rigging.

Ayatollah Khamenei criticized certain people for taking the Supreme Leader's remarks as an acknowledgement of irregularities in the former elections.

The Supreme Leader said that his former statement meant to introduce good candidates to the people to make sure that their votes will not be spoiled.

The screening body should welcome eligible persons and any lenience to ineligible candidates is regarded as violation of public rights, the Supreme Leader said.

The procedure in conduct of elections should be fully observed and all officials are duty bound to safeguard the public trust, the Supreme leader said.

The Supreme Leader also advised the political wings to mind their lists and manage to nominate qualified candidates.

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