3 Jun 2024
Saturday 12 September 2015 - 14:30
Story Code : 180031

Iranian researchers after exporting nano-based anti-cancer drugs

TEHRAN (ISNA)- Iranian researchers are seeking to export the home-made nano-nased anti-cancer doxorubicin to global markets.

Dr. Mahnaz Qomi, Managing Director of the company producing the drug, said the company has so far produced three medicines using nano-tech.

The first one was doxorubicin used in the form of injection.

The medicine is one of the key drugs in chemo for breast and ovarian cancer as well as treatment of bone marrow cancer.

The drug produced under SinaDoxosome brand name can be released purposefully, she said, adding it boosts treatment, lessens toxicity and drugs concentration.

It lessens tumor size and destroys cancer cells. The drug has been exported to Syria.

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