3 Jun 2024
Sunday 16 December 2012 - 17:57
Story Code : 14375

Iranian students urge US to end profiteering policies on gun control

Iranian students urge US to end profiteering policies on gun control

US(AhlulBaytNewsAgency) -"The horrendous and regrettable news (of killing 20 students) which causes a pain in the heart for every listener has stunned all people," the Organization said in its statement on Sunday.

The students further pointed to the previous cases of massacre in the US, including the most notorious US school shootings until Friday, the 1999 rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, where two teenagers killed 13 students and staff before killing themselves.

The United States has seen a number of shooting rampages this year, most recently in Oregon, where a gunman killed two people and then himself at a shopping mall on Tuesday. The deadliest came in July at a midnight screening of a Batman film in Colorado that killed 12 people and wounded 58, the students reminded.

In 2007, 32 people were killed at Virginia Tech university in the deadliest act of criminal gun violence in US history, they added in their statement.

"The students of the Islamic Iran along with the oppressed US students outcry that you the statesmen, who are the puppets of the US capitalist system, should end your profiteering and money-loving anti-human actions which have led to the exercise of violence against children," the statement added.

The statement came after Twenty schoolchildren were slaughtered by a heavily armed gunman who opened fire at a suburban elementary school in Connecticut on Friday, ultimately killing at least 27 people including himself in one of the worst mass shootings in US history.

As twilight descended on Washington Friday afternoon, tens of gun-control activists clustered on the pavement outside the White House for a candlelight vigil to urge action from President Barack Obama after a mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school left at least 27 dead.

There will be an appropriate time for chewing over national gun policy, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters earlier Friday, "but I don't think today is that day." The activists disagreed. Many toted placards reading "today IS the day." Another hand-scrawled sign bore a fatalistic warning: "Today: Sandy Hook. Tomorrow:?".

The vigil had a slapdash feel; it was assembled on the fly earlier Friday by a coalition of anti-gun advocates already in Washington for meetings. Preachers, professional activists and sympathetic passers-by offered prayers for the President, testified to how gun violence had impacted their lives, or simply joined in chants of "We Shall Overcome."

Many said Obama's tearful call for "meaningful action" earlier Friday alone was insufficient. "It's not enough, Mr. President," said Toby Hoover, the executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. "It's just not enough." Leroy Duncan, an activist from Minnesota, spoke movingly of the 86 Americans who die of gun violence each day.



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