3 Jun 2024
Tuesday 9 December 2014 - 08:36
Story Code : 135510

Iran parl. speaker hails Syria resistance against plots

Iran parl. speaker hails Syria resistance against plots
[caption id="attachment_135511" align="alignright" width="170"] Iran's Parliament (Majlis) Speaker Ali Larijani (R) meets with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem in Tehran on December 8, 2014.[/caption]
Iran's Parliament (Majlis) Speaker Ali Larijani has praised Syrias perseverance and resistance against plots hatched by foreign countries.
The continuation of this process will lead to the victory of the Syrian people in the fight against terrorists and their foreign sponsors, Larijani said at a meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem in Tehran on Monday, adding that Syria's resistance is praiseworthy.
The senior Iranian official also referred to inhumane crimes committed by Takfiri groups especially the ISIL, saying, The only way to clear the region form the scourge of the terrorist groups is to fight and counter them firmly and to avoid resorting to "tactical" methods and "propaganda" techniques.

The solution to Syrias problem is political and only possible through diplomatic means, Larijani added.

The Syrian official, for his part, acknowledged that Iran has spared no support for the Syrian people.

Through its correct and principled positions, the Islamic Republic of Iran has helped the Syrian people to counter terrorists, Muallem said.
Foreign terrorists under the aegis of the Zionist regime of Israel and some regional and trans-regional states have targeted Syrias historical existence and identity and intend to disrupt the stability of the entire region, the Syrian foreign minister noted, referring to the latest Israeli airstrike on Syria.
Israeli warplanes carried out two air assaults against an area of the Damascus International Airport and another airport in the town of Dimas on Sunday.

The Syrian army issued a statement later in the day, saying the air attacks by Tel Aviv were aimed at helping the ISIL militants operating in the Arab country.

Israel has carried out several airstrikes in Syria since the start of the conflict in the country in 2011.

By Press TV


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