3 Jun 2024
Saturday 25 October 2014 - 12:26
Story Code : 122794

Envoy calls for broadening of Tehran-Ankara trade ties

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Ambassador to Ankara Alireza Bigdeli called for the further expansion of trade relations between Iran and Turkey.
"We are committed to the pledges that the Iranian high-ranking officials have made with regard to materialization of the 30-billion-dollar trade balance between the two countries," Bigdeli said, addressing the Fourth International Iran-Turkey Investment Opportunities Conference in Ankara on Thursday.

He noted that four trade delegations from Iran are currently in Turkey to negotiate about the investment opportunities in Turkey's major cities such as Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara.

Iran and Turkey have in recent years increased their cooperation in all the various fields of economy, security, trade, education, energy and culture.

The two sides have exchanged several politico-economic delegations during the last few months.

Iran and Turkey signed 10 economic agreements during a visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the head of a high-ranking delegation to Turkey in June.

Earlier this year, Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mahmoud Vaezi announced that Tehran and Ankara will considerably increase their trade balance by next year.

"Iran and Turkey will boost their trade exchanges to USD 30 billion by 2015," Vaezi said.

Meantime, the Iranian minister of communications and information technology underlined the need for cooperation between the two states' economic, technological and industrial sectors to achieve the important goal of the 30-billion-dollar trade balance.

By Fars News Agency


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