2 Jun 2024
Sunday 28 September 2014 - 14:15
Story Code : 118839

Arab nations join Syria strikes as Nusra front threatens retaliation

Arab nations join Syria strikes as Nusra front threatens retaliation

  • [caption id="attachment_118840" align="alignright" width="207"] In this photo released by the US air force, a F-18E Super Hornet fighter jet receives fuel over northern Iraq. Photograph: Staff Sgt. Shawn Nickel/AP[/caption]
    Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the UAE participated in strikes

  • Syrian foreign minister says air assault alone will not succeed

  • Al-Qaida-linked group says this is a war against Islam

AsBritish jets took off from Cyprusto carry out strikes on Islamic State (Isis) targets in Iraq on Saturday, and US-led strikes continued in Syria and Iraq, President Barack Obama used hisweekly addressto say American leadership was the one constant in an uncertain world.

Later on Saturday an al-Qaida-linked group in Syria, the Nusra Front, vowed to retaliate against countries taking part in the air strikes.

Obama said America is leading the world in the fight to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as Isis, and aded: I made it clear that America would act as part of a broad coalition, and we were joined in this action by friends and partners, including Arab nations.

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